A Message of Hope and Faith from Pastor Walton
Dear Members and Friends of Calvary:
We are in the Advent Season preparing for the arrival of our Savior and Lord.
There are four guideposts we think of during this festive and contemplative season. These are as
follows: HOPE, PEACE, JOY, and LOVE.
This past year, our motivational theme was No More Manna 2.0. Our 2025 theme is The Mind
of Christ Works For Christ.
These 4 guideposts and our motivational themes intersect and interact. How, you may ask? That
is a good question for you to work on because we all must figure this question out for ourselves,
in our own contexts. For example, how do I overcome complacency? One way may be to
combine LOVE with The Mind of Christ Works for Christ in what you know God is saying. In
this example we think of Christ’s sacrifice for our sins. Love made Him do the work of laying
down His life so we could be saved (John 3:16).
That is just one quick example. Another example might be combining The Mind of Christ
Works for Christ when you feel anxiety coming on with PEACE. I think we all understand now!
As we celebrate, may HOPE - PEACE - JOY and LOVE be yours.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Pastor Walton
Reverend Dr. John Richard Walton, Jr.
The Reverend Doctor John Richard Walton, Jr. is a native of Cleveland, Ohio, and has served as the senior pastor of the Calvary Baptist Church of Milwaukee for the last 22 years. Pastor Walton is well-respected and sought after as preacher, pastor to pastors, lecturer, and spiritual, biblical, and academic authority in the training and discipleship of deacons and church leadership.
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January 2025 Focus:
The Mind of Christ Works for Christ:
Choosing to Live Intentionally Seeking Things
That Are Above Where Christ Is
Click here for daily January scriptures.
Dear Lord Our God,
Today, we come boldly into this new month of this new year with the goal and desire to keep our eyes fixed on Christ. We come in need of Your help to keep us focused on following Your instructions in Your Word. You are clear that we cannot hang on to our old, comfortable routines and practices of sin, doubt, fear and discouragement. We must be intentional on what we do, what we think, what we watch, what we say, and where we go. Thank You for calling us to take action to put aside any and all thoughts, words, actions or relationships through the power of the Holy Spirit that may distract and hinder us from moving forward each day in Your Perfect and Divine Will for our lives in 2025. Thank You that through the strength and power that You bless us with each day, we can be in this world but know and live knowing we are Yours, divinely loved and protected. We can confidently step into each new day setting our mind up for success, focused on things above by using the tools of Your Word, prayer, thanksgiving, and praise to You to help bring us daily victories over Satan’s attempts to distract our attention from You. In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.
O Lord, Our Excellent Lord and Father,
We welcome Your Holy Spirit into our hearts, minds, homes, jobs and into every aspect of our lives, individually and collectively. Each day, we strive to rid ourselves of any sin we have become comfortable with, like, or used to. This fallen world can pull us down. It is filled with distractions, temptations, and entertainment, promising us temporary, worldly happiness. Often, our daily responsibilities can feel burdensome and cause us to worry and doubt. When we focus on earthly things our eyes and spirits slip from the things above and “The Mind of Christ does not Work for Christ.” Lead us to redirect our thoughts to remembering and celebrating the blessings and promises we have through our adoption into the family of Jesus Christ in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins. In Your Word, You teach us what it means to set your mind on things above, enabling us to experience the true joy the Father wants to bestow on us. Remind us each day in our minds and spirits that when we set our eyes on You, we are better able to serve You which is the honor, duty, and pleasure of every believer. In Jesus’ name, amen.
Dear Father God,
Honor and Praise to You for Your Love and Care each day. Thank You for providing for us through our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. You knew we as Your children would need constant help and guidance to stay on the right path and bring You glory. When we reflect and meditate on things of this world, we lose our peace. We become focused and caught up in the temporary things and forget the eternal inheritance we have in Christ. The world may shift and change values and beliefs like dust in the wind, yet Christ is our strong tower, our refuge, peace in turbulent times. When we keep our minds and spirits focused on things above and put our trust in You as You call us to do, our minds and hearts will be in “perfect peace.” Thank You that we can stand confidently in that promise. In Jesus’s name we pray, amen.
Oh Lord, Our Alpha and Omega,
The best way to focus our minds on things above is to spend dedicated time reading, meditating, and cherishing Your Word. We can confidently and boldly expect to have peace, joy and a Christ-centered perspective when we take delight in Your Law and meditate on it day and night. Remind us that when we do this we will be firmly planted and rooted against the ferocious and turbulent attacks of Your enemy. Lead us to watch what we put in our ears, in our minds, in our hearts, and in our environments. Help us to be vigilant in creating an atmosphere of praise and worship in our hearts, in our homes, and wherever we go. As Your children and believers in You and Your Son, we need to stand on the fact that You have gifted us with the best thing, Your Word and the best helper and guide, Your Holy Spirit. Thank You for equipping us with everything we need to keep our minds and hearts set on things above so we can build up Your Kingdom here on Earth. In the matchless name of Jesus we pray, amen.
Dear Lord, Our Heavenly Father,
We know that Heaven is filled with spiritual blessings and treasures that are waiting for us as Your children and Your church. We can expectantly know and anticipate that when we get our heavenly home there will be no more tears, worries, fights and battles, sickness, pain, or death. But, we live here on Earth where there is so much pain, heartache, complications, and distractions. Guard our hearts and minds as we choose to refocus our thoughts in trying and tempting circumstances and declare that we will not be comfortable with low-level thinking about what we don’t have, who we don’t know, where we can’t go, or what we can’t do. Instead, lead us to celebrate who You are, Your attributes, Your character, Your love. Lead us to look at all the victories You have brought us through and fortify our faith to live a life of purity before You. We know that if we do this You will continue to build up our faith so we may enjoy all the blessings You have for us. In our Savior’s name we pray, amen.
Dear Jehovah Jireh, Our Provider
At times, we forget to rest in the assurance of who we are and whose we are. Please in those times, remind us in our innermost spirit to remember that You are our shepherd and that we shall not want. You desire for us to rest in You in the green pastures of Your matchless provisions of love, grace, and protection. You surround us each day with Your angels who protect and guard us from hurt, harm, and danger in the midst of catastrophic events and situations all around. Everyday, You provide and perform miracles, signs, and wonders of love, grace, mercy, and blessings. You have girded us up on all sides with fulfillments of Your Promises, Your Steadfastness, Your Strength, and Provision. Remind us that we are really the ones who decide what we will set our thoughts on. Through the help of Your Holy Spirit, Your Word, prayer, and praise, remind us that it is up to us to maintain our focus on things above and what is truly important. In Your Son’s name we pray, amen.
Dear Father God,
We need You. We need Your strength. Make us aware of our thoughts. We need the constant reminder that anything that in opposition to Your Word is a lie no matter how good it sounds or may lead us to feel. If what we are thinking about fails to be in agreement with Your Word that You speak to us and help us to see it for what it is and to stop thinking about it or entertaining it. We want to be servants for You and warriors for You, and there is a battle for our minds, and we ask that You remind us that we live to honor and serve You. So today and every day, no matter what’s taking place around us, lead us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus. When we do this, our hearts will be open to receive the victory and blessing You provide, both in the present and in the life to come! In Jesus’ name we pray, amen.